

Sexy toothpaste.

Sexy toothpaste.

Found this in a magazine at the hair salon. Now even toothpaste needs sex appeal in order to sell. Notice it doesn’t even need a model, just her lips.

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Posted by on June 7, 2013 in Uncategorized


How The Human Face Might Look In 100,000 Years

How The Human Face Might Look In 100,000 Years

This Forbes article is very interesting.  How will beauty ideals evolve as humans evolve?

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Posted by on June 7, 2013 in Uncategorized


Mini Michelle Obama Look-Alike

Mini Michelle Obama Look-Alike

I came across this picture in my Tumblr feed the other day, and was reminded of our class (especially since my group is researching the women of the 2008 election for our presentation!). After some quick investigation, I found out the top picture with the children is actually a photoshoot done by a woman who created a “Toddlewood” ( However, what I find more interesting is the reaction I originally saw on Tumblr to the photo comparison. “Yes to young black girls in America being able to play dress up as the first lady for the first time ever. YES” wrote one user. I think it’s powerful to see the many positive reactions I saw on this post, which gathered almost 6000 likes/reblogs on tumblr. Having women of color in prominent positions can provide such a validating experience for people who rarely see themselves represented in mainstream media. (Also, this is just so incredibly cute.)


“Girlfight” Cover

from Urban Latino

This is the cover with Michelle Rodriguez and Santiago Douglas on it that I mentioned in class last week. I showed it to a friend who pointed out the difference between his glasses and sweater– which leave him unexposed and aloof– and her low-cut, sleeveless dress/blouse and position under his arm. What do you think? I found his sweater and glasses to be somewhat feminine, but perhaps that is just the influence that present trends have on how I read his clothing.


Posted by on June 6, 2013 in Uncategorized